i want to thrive at others expense like a entitled blackk pissgin

if you can go around stealing dick and having too much sex then you can pay my bills fat black big cunt whore. i don’t have enough sex to be a bother to anyone. but my neighbours whore slut around and you can kill them and i want all their land and houses in return they been stealing dicks on me so i want their land and house and kill kill slay slay slay their faces out to death. i feel no shame about this. 5 decades of no sex makes a woman a money hungry menopausall bitch queen. your my slave you big black cunted mother fucker and you can pay my bills for wrecking my life dirty niggar slut. and no i don’t want your black ass or your black ginny whores ass. i just want everyone’s money who has stolen cock and dick on me for their human trafficking crimes on me. everything is money and money is everything to me. fuck love and sex. its for the mental cases and losers 5 decades without sex has made me want money even more and everyone is my slave. i amm the queen your just the queer of sharfs with your illegal unholy shit skin niggar whore skin you slut and big black cunted niggar poofter man cunt.

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i am a foodie.

how education for the oppressed can turn the tables around for me to be a winner and walk over you all.