a woman’s best friend

I know a woman who does this.

Yes, during the tie, the bulb at the base of the dog’s penis will not fit comfortably back out through the vaginal introitus.
It is possible to uncouple from this position. However it is somewhat painful for the woman.
It is downright dangerous for the dog, with high risk of penile injury. Since she loves her dogs, she does not attempt to uncouple from them during the tie.

If she doesn’t wish to tie, she claims it is a relatively simple to keep the bulb outside of her with her hands. According to her, the dog doesn’t seem to mind, although if left to act how he wishes, he will insert the bulb as it begins to inflate and complete the tie.

As is normal for dogs, the bulb deflates after anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes, and they uncouple normally. This is the same behavior that occurs when dogs mate with each other. And yes, the animal will sometimes turn 180 degrees during the tie and face away from the woman, just as dogs often do with each other. This seems to cause no discomfort to either partner.

She also claims that the animal will often lick her vulva clean after the act, which is also normal behavior for canines.

What do you think?

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A nutty friend
