I’m a sixty seven year old male with a very high sex drive for my age
I have been working on becoming a Christian isn’t easy
I was interduce to sex at the age of eight by my twelve year old half niece twelve
She enough shared me with her eleven year old sister
I had sex with them each time one of the girls had to babysit until I moved back to Colorado
Now I have learned a eight year old shouldn’t know about sex less than having sex at the age of eight
I have been on the hunt for sex ever since then
I had sex a lot when I was a teenager
The military interduce me to gay bareback sex and had a girlfriend had sex anytime I wanted it
After getting out of the militarily I have been on the hunt for sex
I went without sex or masturbating for seven years in my fourtys
In my fifths I started having sex with other males
I consider myself stright but enjoy playing with the other boys
Now I’m sixty seven years old looking for gay sex but it seems I can’t find a male top with a nice manhood to relieve my sexual urges and desires once and for all
I’m working on being a good Christian but having problems with LUST
In one hand I’m looking for gay sex in the other hand I’m trying to be a good Christian
It’s hard to stop lust but have to do it before elections
Every sign in the Bible is here and just getting worse by the day and Trump is satin
If you don’t believe me Google it is Trump Satan you’ll see what I’m talking about
I’m sin free outside of lust but by the grace of God I’ll be lust free
*Name is not required.