Remember boys and their hard dicks, now you can enjoy your pussy

When I was growing up guys were proud of their dick, rubbing out a hardon in class. We girls weren’t supposed to notice. We noticed. That first time we set eyes on an erection, WOW! And holding an erection in the movies. WOW, double WOW!! Yes, you better believe we admired a boy when we saw his dick. Think of those summer banana hammock swimsuits. Oh yes, we peeked, we looked. We also hid our tits, hid our pussy.

Before the internet pussy pictures was a picture of a CUNT, hairy, filthy, sticky, hamburger lips, a machete slit. Tits hot off better, but showing a boy your harry cunt put you right up there with whore. Yes, boys wanted a look, but noting like a hard erection, one you wanted, the other not. You got fucked in the dark. No boy stared your pussy down, not like holding your first erection.

Thanks internet porn, nice, cleaned up, innie pussies. Hairless, show it off. Let your 8th grade girlfriend help you shave your pussy. At last, you can lay out, with your legs open and the boy admires your pussy. Thanks porn, teen porn, pussy porn. And those pictures of a jock dick stuffed in a cheerleader innie pussy.

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