what I told police

I do believe wicca and black magic is real. I do believe satanic occults are real. I know its hard to believe and let your head get around it because you wouldn’t let your kids out of your site to think the local priest or teacher or dentist or doctor is part of this shit. I do believe that other people on tv anti satanic reports of occults back in the 1980s. My cousin tried to rape me in a box the size of a coffin with spiders in it and he was 16 or 17 and I was 8 or 9. They can make fires anywhere. They set my grandmothers house on fire and this was a big 2 storey house with a piano and horses out back and you could see the city lights from the front windows. I do believe these stories because I have experienced extra strength powers at times, shared collective illness and suffering weird anal rape dreams and doors opening and they get your family winning lotteries and then someone has a key to the house and is breaking in using hallucinates to vape control you while they molest and assault you in your bed. They rip open pillows and throw stuffing around the room and its like we thought the dog did it but how could it be so neatly done in a short time. When I was sick I heard noises and voices, knocking on walls and doctors and ambulance abusing me like a Satanist would. It was not normal. I think they wanted to kill me. How can it be that I collapse one day and my dad does at work as well. That is not random events. I hope someone reading this can see that. There is a lot more I could share with nazi hitler types and royal ties but I know wicca is real. they stop a lot of people having a love life and having kids for some reason. want to control your mind, your body, your death. etc. its sick. white culture is being taken from whites and its wrong. I don’t know why they did this to me. or getting us to act out cane and able and my sister killing me at sunday school and then she lived it out in real life. or the molesting’s and trying to get raped over and over and then when I don’t obey I am punished with either rejection and isolation for long times which is most of the time, or bashings and rape. and I am sick of it. I think the links go to my cousins family in stanthorpe and I heard that has been a big area of cattle sacrifices and so on. my grandfather had a cattle farm as well and I can’t say that went on as such ritual killings however I do know he had guns and silences and would dig holes and hide them in the earth if police came around and he did killing animals for the native tribes around the place. We were forced to be part of a PNG pig on a spit thing as kids and it feels creepy now , I know its a custom and meat is murder and we eat it often and so on, but it felt witchy the way my female cousin L drove her car at me and also how I got into trouble over writing this stuff about loving my cousin at the time and my parents punished me and my brother and I were hit with strap and my sister was never that I know of and my mother refuses to see that she has one rule for my sister and yet copies the clothing I was buying 15 years ago and doesn’t seem to want me to get married or have a career. she doesn’t like me to graduate and wants me all the time cleaning her house. the whole Cinderella insults at me and how I was constantly cleaning her house as a child, teen and adult is unnatural. its unnatural for my sister to be allowed a boyfriend having sex with her in 1985-1987 and yet I was not allowed this. I think its very biased and entitled of my older sister and some evil witchery on their part that they steal my dream journals live stuff out and then blame me later when I fall for their dirty games and blame me later when it suits if their dream lies and story lines don’t work out and then they always get the best parts and I get shit. I have been following reports on occults in australia since I was about 11 or 12 in 1984 at my grandmothers I would read regular stories about them in new idea and woman’s day and I would just notice things and then I followed opium trails as well over the world and also M . I started following lots of crime syndications for fun more then anything cuz I liked solving puzzles. the virgins witches was played on me. and how I had known the grantham name was related to the graham name and brehon was judge. I didn’t know much. I told them a lot more information as well in the last year or so reports to govt inquiries on family behaviours and I intending doing more story telling because I want to tell my story. I have a right to. I don’t have to take uncles like ron molesting me and bullies I don’t have to take all this from 1977 and cinderella and diana stuff . I am not the bad person here. I just write out my dreams and nightmares. I don’t expect people to extortion me with them or use them against me in an evil way.

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sunday school madness

my =cat left the phone on all night