My hatred

I really honestly hate my family. All except my sister.
All my life I grew up with them telling me how good I have it, how I was so privileged to born in that house, how I owe them everything and how they could do no wrong because they gave birth to me. They told me over and over all the ways in which I was ungrateful, and how nothing I ever do could ever be enough to pay them back for creating me. THEY FUCKING FUCKED. THATS ALL IT WAS. THEY FUCKED AND IT RESULTED IN ME. IM THE PRODUCT OF MY DAD EMPTYING HIS BALLS INTO MY MOM. PERIOD. Why the fuck am I supposed to thank them for that? I hate them and I hope something happens to them. Like a car crash or cancer. I don’t care. My mom never cared about me, it was only ever about her. My dad just let himself get pussy whipped by mom all the time and defends her like a fucking puppy who got adopted. She thinks she’s some sort of saint and it’s fucking hilarious. She thinks because she was sexually assaulted when she was young that I can’t have problems, or that none of my problems are serious, I hate her and I hope she dies.

What do you think?

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Got sexually assaulted

I came in my wife’s friends