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    Had a one night stand on a business trip

    Hello, I was on a business trip recently and met this girl. We ended up spending the evening together and spent the night in my hotel room. I have been with my wife for 20+ years. I love her very much. I kept on thinking about my wife while with this girl and didn’t have […] More

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    The guy I SHOULDNT like

    This is pretty boring. Nothing like the stuff I’ve read on here with thousands of views. Anyways I’m just writing to get it out of me. I really liked this guy. The first guy I went to prom with. He seemed sweet, kind and interested in me. We were at talking stage for like 6 […] More

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    Helped him graduate

    My husband has no idea what I did to get him through college. He was a marginal student at best even though he tried really hard. We were not yet married but I was completely in love with him and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and to do […] More

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    Still In Love With Ex Wife

    My ex and I were married for 17 years. In the five years we have been apart, she and I have both gotten married again. But I still love her. I’m still in love with her. I still want to be a part of her life and for her to be my whole world again. […] More

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    She had a sugar daddy

    I recently found out my wife had a sugar daddy for years before I met her. It started when she was in college, he paid for her apartment and bought her a car and a lot of other things. And I know what she did in return. I was aware she was not a virgin […] More

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    Thanksgiving canceled

    My sister called me and said they decided to exclude our brother and his wife from Thanksgiving Dinner because they are openly Trump supporters. We have had that dinner at her house since our parent passed away five years ago. I was honestly shocked, I had no idea how petty my sister was. I almost […] More

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    Her jealousy ruined our sex life

    After we married my wife became increasingly jealous of me to the point I couldn’t even talk to another woman. She would make all kinds of accusations especially when she had a few. She blamed it on her ex who cheated but I never have. Every time she would go off on one of her […] More

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    We share nudes and videos of our wives

    I have two really close buddies that I have known for years and we are all married. A few months ago one of them showed us a topless picture of his wife to us when we were out having beers. I didn’t have any of my wife but the other guy did and he showed […] More

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