Mind Power

I had a weird experience today. I was reading/using AI to write an erotic story. I was thinking intently about something in the story. Suddenly, I felt my cock start to twitch slightly, like it does when I’m about to cum, and a ripple of pleasure through my body, but not as intense. Then, I felt a little wetness at the head of my cock. At first, I thought I peed myself a little, but when I checked, it was a small amount of cum. Not just precum, I know the difference.

It wasn’t as good as sex, but it was kinda cool. I wish I knew how it happened, so I could do it again.

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Principles of GLAD [28]. (A) The deposition configuration of GLAD. (B) The geometric shadowing effect and surface diffusion of the adatoms of GLAD for forming nanostructures.
