loud boastful sex should be a crime.

i still think loud sex from adults should be a crime. its offensive and abusive to kids and other adults who don’t like the sex show off act of superiority. i still think women who fuck men too much and have too many kids should be socially scorned as they are wrecking the world for others and learning how to share enough. I still think wimmin raping boys or men in another women or virgin girls should be crime. renting out young girl childs room to a pair of sluts , gay or straight to fuck in is offensive. with their stinky germy std gay germs etc. and forcing kids to wear other older people stinky std germy whoring underwear should be a crime, just like forcing pre-diabetic abused women to over eat should be a crime of a mother. making her daughter feel ugly and worthless should be a crime. if kids commit crime then the parents have to learn to do the time with their kids because the parents are to blame. kids brains don’t develop til over 25 so i would like to see the age for sex and drinking and driving and voting moved to at leas 21 if not 25. all the neuroscience says this about human brain development. its the flower power whores who got life wrong and look how they ruined the world in 50years or more . public affection should be a crime also. people don’t want to see others sexualizing and kissing like slobby animals.

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Mistakes are made, they can’t be undone, but charging me was the biggest mistake of all

stop all sexualizing of mens and womens and baby bodies on calendars