I saved a Rainbow

I saved a Rainbow being attacked by homophobes. I’m a real super hero. One night I saw men hiding. They let groups and men passed. Then grabbed a small lone female. I jumped out to save her. They had drug her off a short distance. No one could see them in the dark. They had her mouth covered. Were beating her. Then a 285 pound ninja jumped in. I freed her. Fought all of them as I told her to flee. I found out they attacked her because she was a Rainbow. As a very straight man I may not be the best spokesman for Trans people. But I’ve stepped up for them more than once. It brightens my heart that Trans people feel comfortable and safe around me. I’ve really saved lives. Nearly died doing it. But you don’t have to be a real life super hero like me. It takes more courage for a normal person to do the right thing. Look out for the disabled. Donate money for the homeless. Smile. Show kindness. Forgive. Turn the other cheek. Accept Rainbows as our equals. We are all brothers and sisters. Spread light in the world. Its easy for me to be a hero, I’m like a real life super hero compared to others. Well I was as a younger man. I’m more impressed by everyday people who do the right thing. During the pandemic I intervened when some men went from harassing a disabled woman, to harassing a young woman for her green hair. I stepped in. After I did older men stepped up behind me. Sometimes good people just need a leader. As I left some people hugged me. An old black lady shook my hand. Looked into my strange eyes. They seem to glow and change colors. She smiled and said she just wanted to look into the eyes of an angel. We choose to either bring light into this world, or let darkness win.

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