No more nothing

So I posted here some time ago about a woman I work with (lets call her X) and that I was infatuated with her. We work in the same company, but at different locations. About 30 miles apart. She would come out here on Mondays and we’d spend time together working and talking about life. I think I’ve been emotionally cheating. I’d go out on Wednesdays and spend time with her, working and talking about life. I was going to go to her location tomorrow and spend the time. Yesterday her and I spent a great day together, working, laughing and her telling me more about her and her life. We’ve been work BF and GF for about 10 months. Nothing romantic, although I’d write her little poems and give her a flower when I saw one…kinda sappy but I really like her. I just called her to ask her about a mutual client.

She sounded “off” so I asked her if she was ok. She said she was but then explained how something threw her off and that she’s upset about it. I told her to “let me know if there’s anything I can do” and she said that I’m always there to help and I’m such a nice guy.

That’s when she told me that she won’t be coming out any longer and I probably wont see much of her any more. I think she’s even leaving the company.

There’s a term I just heard of called “Limerence.” It where we fantasize about someone and see ourselves with them, even though its an impossibility. I think that’s where I’ve been the last 10 months.

I’m hurt. I already miss her. She is so fun. She’s so smart. She’s so energetic. She’s so sexy. She smells so good.

Here’s the hook.

She’s married. I have a live in GF. I’ve been dancing around this for a long time, and my GF smells it.

X has been feeding it. My GF smells it. and I’ve been going full stride into it.

What do you think?

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My sexy ponies

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