Lost to the sea, in endless gray.

Here’s a poem about a wallet’s oceanic fate:
A wallet slipped from a pocket so fine,
Into the depths, an accidental dive.
From a stroll by the sea’s gentle sway,
It fell, lost, on a sunny day.
Within its folds, memories did sleep,
Cards and cash, secrets to keep.
A driver’s license, worn and old,
A photo ID, stories untold.
The waves caressed it, soft and cold,
As it sank, its contents growing old.
The leather worn, the edges frayed,
A treasure lost, in the ocean’s gray.
A fish swam by, with curious stare,
At the strange thing, without a care.
It glided down, through coral bright,
Into darkness, without a light.
The wallet settled, on sandy floor,
A secret keeper, no more.
Its contents, washed, faded away,
Lost to the sea, in endless gray.
Yet, in its fall, a tale unfolds,
Of memories, like treasures told.
For though it’s lost, its story stays,
A wallet’s journey, in oceanic ways.

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