Not supposed to have instagram…or anything

So I have a messed up past I’m (f15) I am now a happy adopted teen but I have a dangerous bio family. My mom is really strict because of all that happened. I don’t even have a phone : ( I want her to trust me…and hiding this from her is killer bc if I get caught I won’t have tech until I move out of the house. I already know if I told her the truth she wouldn’t understand. Any advice? I love my mom so much and really appreciate her but she just won’t listen. I feel stuck and left out in the social world. I mean i’m in high school without social media (except insta)

What do you think?


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  1. Have you considered talking to a trusted teacher or the school counsellor? You could ask them to be there when you talk to your mom, maybe the perspective of another adult could help her understand

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