Normal or not?

I (f) have noticed other girl’s bodies and admiring them, but Im not gay or bi or anything. Is that normal to do like wonder what your body can do so you watch other people just to explore and find out?

What do you think?


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  1. Of course you can acknowledge another girl’s body without being bi or gay. Don’t overthink this, it’s ok. That being said, if you were gay or bi that would absolutely be ok too

  2. I am straight and got curious enough that I looked at lesbian porn when home alone. I got too aroused and now I wonder what’s going on. Too much sexual energy locked up. My boyfriend cannot keep up with my appetite. I want to confide in my neighbor and hope she does not freak. I want to explore her with my boyfriend watching. And many more fantasies come to mind when I explore other girls on the internet. Why?

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