A VERY weird one

I have a VERY weird and specific fetish. It seems to have some elements of some fairly common ones, but nobody makes anything to my particular tastes. Element 1: A girl in denim– if it’s a skirt, it needs the typical three front pockets and fly, and they all have to be at least partially visible, same for the jeans and shorts. Although the skirt CAN be pleated or paneled, and that DOES make it hotter, all that Basically matters is that it be mini, and it meet my first qualifications. Element 2: Mocking or emasculating laughter delivered in that general attitude. Either the guy’s an unattractive klutzy dork she doesn’t respect; “Oh, it’s only YOU! Ahhhahahahaha…” Or it’s somebody she actually feels sorry for and can’t really help herself; “Pfft! Hehehehe– Oh my god that was so mean, I’m… hahahahaha! No! Really! I’m SO SOH… HEEhehehehehe! I’m sorry, I swear!” Or the guy is either an authority figure or general asshole she doesn’t like. The guy: “And that’s Why you’re wrong/going to do as I say!” The girl: “Pffft! HAHAHAHA! Make me, you little creep!” Maybe she’s an evil little preteen sister or cousin: “HAAA-HAAA! I got YOU in TROUBLE! Now you’ll NEVER get to (insert goal)! Or maybe it’s “Boys are so dumb, girls are better than you! Hehehehehe!” I do really love this kind of stuff just in movies and on TV, and the weirdest part is that the age of the girl doesn’t matter. Little preteen girls don’t do anything for me otherwise, but if I see one match these general triggers, the triggers will still set me off regardless, creepy as hell or not. It’s not just little girls though, (although it’s always just these triggers) and it’s not just in the media — when women and girls have directed this kind of stuff at ME in the past– yeah, I AM angry– but not that she did it. I’m angry that it’s the hottest damn feeling on the planet, and she meant it to be the exact OPPOSITE, and might even be too young to EVEN try anything towards if I DID want to– so there is NOTHING I can do about it except go home and jack off alone that won’t make things ten times worse, and THAT’S the part of this that pisses me off to no end!

What do you think?

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