Betty White & The HIV Booster Jab

Betty White, one of many good people who died due to a lie. Anyone who has had CoVid19 has the antibodies and should not be vaccinated. Those vaccinated should not be forced to get Boosters. The National Vaccine Mandate passed by Congress to go into effect January 10th will kill many innocent and hard working citizens before their time.

I work in the Medical Field. The truth is CoVid19 is actually PCP Pneumonia, same thing an AIDS patient gets but is the hulk version BIOWEAPON combo of it and sars/pneumonia via Luc Montagnier, the man who won the Noble Prize for discovering HIV. Globally, citizens have been set up, it is like the Holocaust ‘Schindlers List’ in reverse using patient/medical info to determine whom in the hospital once checked in will live or die or whom will benefit financially from the medical bills, life insurance or transfer of assetts. Vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity according to James Hill, MD in order to remove ‘unwanted members of society/dissidents/those unwilling to bend to socialism/communist agenda,’ the research is out. Hitler originally invented the Health Passports, and the vaccines are a new form of racial and financial segregation, only those given the placbo vaccine and the health passport will be able to eat at restaurants, travel, leave the country. Our Government has had the patent on Sars/Covid 19 since 2002 and has known via research the vaccines cause cardiovascular problems in mice: myocarditis and pericardits.

If you have a family history of heart disease or any other health issue the vaccines speed up the diseases to exterminate you early, and many are dying of heart failure. If you get vaccinated, take good care of your heart: do not overtrain, take selenium, vitamin D3, baby aspirin, oregano, and zinc. Practice hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy via a humidifier or difuser and make sure you drink the right amount of water based on your gender to not strain the heart: 11 cups for women and 13 cups for men daily. Walk, excercise but do not overtrain for the 1st year of getting vaccinated. Take your blood pressure, get a fit bit to monitor and help those you love, this is not a joke many are having strokes and dying.

Twenty years as of 2022 the American Government labs have known the truth about CoVid19, then China weaponized it as our communist enemies and their Islamic, Russian, Venezuala, India, African, Laos, N. Korea began buying up our Pharma companies, blood banks, medical clinics, leadership under American Brand Names as everyone dumped their stocks after 911. Mike Pompeo warned citizens about what was occuring Jan-March of 2020 of the Chinese infiltrating American Leadership, buying them off at a Gala right before the pandemic began and corrupting our schools via their re-education and assimilation programs. Study the history of how the communist party took over China and Hitlers strategy leading up to the Holocaust and you will understand the lives at stake and the seriousness of current events: we are at war as our freedoms are erroded.

While everyone was celebrating the New Years, Congress passed a law allowing them to take 62% of your Family Inheritance. Interesting timing huh? Think about it.

Did you know the Governor of California made a deal with the Chinese Government that when they invade America, they have permission to land on the beaches of Los Angelas. A fact, a deal made for traitors to the US Constitution. You think all the people in China town are your friends? Many have family held hostage overseas by the CCP, are military trained and waiting for the signal to rise up against American citizens. Why do you think they want to take away your right to Bear Arms or Own Guns? A defensless country is easier to take over and their soldiers are already here.

Internationally, the Vaccine Protocal of Medicine is if 25-50 people Die the VACCINES MUST BE RECALLED because they ARE NOT SAFE FOR THE PUBLIC

The funny part is people forgot history. The Democrats founded the communist Klu Klux Klan as their military division. Ever wonder why have the KKK had not been dissolved and still exist today as the Super Lawyers of the South? And you probably thought they were trailer trash. Ha! Think again, many are educated and also in generational Freemason Organizations across the country and work together. The Republicans passed ALL the laws to Free the Slaves. The KKK did so much damage to their reputation in the 50’s that they SPLIT their party into BOTH sides: Democrats and Republicans to save themselves. Today they are known as Evangelicals. Bush Jr, a Nazi family with their daughter on National Morning TV to popularize the communist party face, changed the Charitable Trust Act when he was President which had NEVER IN HISTORY allowed Federal Funding to go to 501c3 Nonprofits, including religious organizations. He changed the law and re-branded the KKK to Evangelicals in order to divert federal funds to the KKK, for the past 20 years which is why you see the resurgence of hate and social segregation via vaccination. Hillary was originally a Republican, Trump originally a Democrat who strategized to TRADE parties to move the agenda forward. Evangelicals, on both sides, pushing the old Hitler, communist agenda which does not believe in any religion, personal property ownership or liberties like our civil rights. They do believe in death of; elderly, disabled, lgbt, non German, but could never get away with another holocaust unless you utilize Hitlers IBM technology since Nazi’s founded the company combined with a few vaccines. It would not surprise me at all if half the Jews who survived the Holocaust have been targeted via vaccine extermination.

Add the communist Islamic support and infiltation and the Democratic and Republican parties both have snakes hiding in the Garden of American Freedoms and Constituional Rights. Both sides of the same twisted coin, with genuine Freedom lovers and patriots in the mix. Then to add strength to the Biowar, China began funding the KKK and Aryan army to help build a 60 mile free trade zone in Ohio, via Blackwater (an illigal miltary division also created by Rumsfeld) so they can buy and sell their products at their .25 cent slave labor prices in zones that support their lack of citizen labor laws. Socialism, everyone lets all go work in the assembly factory line with your family! Sounds like fun? Then they throw you off the roof of a FoxConn building if you do not like your job. The only way America will survive is to kill the snakes but sadly, many of the patriots were on the list for extermination. Go in the hospital for a common cold or finger cut and die of CoVid if your ideals and values do not align with the communist agenda to rid the world of their civil rights and hostile economic takeover. Everyone dies of CoVid to steal Federal Funds and life insurance policies, while the normal cold, pneumonia and other ailments have all but disapperared from Hospital Statistics.

Americans and many have been asleep at the wheel, thousands of innocent and good people have died before their time. The Vaccine for the fake coronavirus that does not exist in the body until it is injected (which only spreads and mutates to others after injection,) was patented on American Soil right before the Virus due to a clerical era according to Dr. Martin, an expert patent attorney who sues Goverments for violating Human Rights via Medical Experimentation. Dr. David Fleming, a Doctor and Lawyer breaks down the HIV in every vaccine and has put together a lawsuit and petition due to violations of the Nuremburg Codes for medical experimentation on his website. Lietuant Colonel Dr. Theresa Long the MD for the US Air Force is also supporting them due to 200k service men falling ill (you can see her video on youtube,) along with Dr. Mendj because they believe it is a war to weaken the American / Global Military allies for freedom and their infrastructures. Make no mistake the communists are taking notes and people are so attached to Political Labels they are missing the truth. American media has been censored, and really see who the communist allies are: Founders of Twitter, Facebook, Amazon crashing the American retail market, killing jobs, creating illegal Anti-trust Monopolies and people are stupid to shop with them. Trading their Freedoms for Convenience. Every mall has shut down and you have all trained your kids to slave mentality with the Amazon shopping addictions, that do not pay your local community or states to rebuild or maintain their infrastructure. Further economically enslaving future generation of children by allowing them to waste money buying ‘skins’ for video games as you watch people starve to death and live homeless on the streets. You are part of the problem selfish, greedy pigs. NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HUMAN LIFE OR THE SURVIVAL OF OUR WILDLIFE, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES. Wake the f- up.

Even the President of Brazil referred to CoVid19 as a BioWeapon to ‘wipe out’ populations because China’s was the ONLY GDP to increase during the pandemic as they and their allies made power moves to establish knew global military bases. Now all the sheep are running to get Boosters and will die faster like Betty White, so the communists wipe out as much population as possible before they attack. Don’t get any more shots unless you have all your financial affairs, will, power of medical/attorney in order. There is a Global Movement to create Orphans around the World so their assets can be stolen, and they can be brainwashed to the new World Communist Government.

The New Normal is not Normal. Do not invest more than 10-20 percent of your Money or Life Savings into Bitcoin unless you want to lose your shirt or crash the American economy and price your children out of any possible future with $500k housing for a 2 bedroom apartment and wages stuck at $10 an hour. We need to realign our priorities. If you are not making your business, company, eco-friendly and sourcing local American goods, manufacturing them and a 75% American workforce you need to be forcefully be moved to a Communist Country like N. Korea or one of the 51 Islamic Communist Hitler supporters so you can live in prison with your entire family since the communists like group punishment, and learn to get off your ass, and MARCH or PROTEST to SAVE THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN FROM HIV TAINTED VACCINES AND COUNTRIES THAT HISTORICALLY SUPPORT FREEDOM.

Take responsibility for your Health & Wellness. DO NOT SUPPORT these TOXIC VACCINE MANDATES.

(Drops Mic)

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