I Think You Are Transgender

Scientifcally, you are born with a X and Y chromosome. I can dress like Marilyn Monroe all day, even stand on the grate for the wind to blow up my skirt, but there is only 1 Marilyn Monroe. No different with transgender; you can wack off the penis, buy some silicone breasts but your DNA and chromosomes will ALWAYS BE THE GENDER AND SEX you were BORN with. No amount of surgery will every change your genetics. If you marry someone transgender, kudos but essentially you are in a same-sex relationship and are a gay couple regardless of all outward appearences. Transgender male to female are gay men, and my friend Paul says, “they are some of the meanest gay men on the planet.” I grew up in an era where there were Cross-Dressers, mainly married men who like to wear their girlfriend or wives clothing on occasion. Drag Queens like RuPaul who did it for fun and entertainment. Trans in my day were all prostitutes who sold their body to pay for sex to pay for surgery, they were never welcomed into the LGBTQ community but always on the outskirts because they were trashy. Maybe the new Trans are changing the dynamic, maybe their is too much estrogen in the water feminizing the men, lack of father figures confusing the young girls. Origianlly it was considered a mental disorder. However, your genetics will never change no matter the surgeries or clothes you wear. The other thing is Trans people, if you piss them off, revert to a catty gay man immediately and are nasty. They are also plain to pick out because after age 35 their body does not change like a biological female; they have no body fat or estrogen other than fake estrogen. Real womens bodies change with time, and gay men are all about ‘best of show,’ they have their trashy naked pool party orgies and are hyper critical around body image and weight. It’s just an interesting dynamic when the Monks say we are born into the opposite gender of the past life. If you believe in reincarnation. However some people believe in playing pretend for a lifetime. My girl friend had a sex change after college, she has no penis but still considers herself a man and dresses like one. She is confused and I think it explains why the current generation is so f- up. The she/he meat is here to stay, and Islam has made it legal to be trans now, giving them womens rights afteer surgery. Genetically it is still a same-sex homosexual relationship regardless of outward appearences. Fascinating…so many fake people running around playing dress up like in kindergarden that they never outgrew. And underneath it all a bunch of sex and drug addicts. Denial is not a river in Egypt, even if some of them do look amazing as impersonators.

What do you think?


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  1. Over all I agree with you, I also feel that anyone in sports should only be allowed to play against the same gender they were born into. This whole “if you cut off your dick you can play in the women’s league is garbage

  2. Why does this bother you so much? Is it because of your girlfriend or do you just like to complain? Nothing is what one assumes and we judge too quickly also. While some is true there in your post, there is a lot of falsities and assumptions mixed in. Something clearly got to you more than you gf or whatever she currently is because you come off very jaded, hostile and mental. I’d get some help for that as why does it bother you old man?

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