Trans Men Are NOT Biological Females

A man who buys a vagina is not a “biological female” since he was born/birthed as a male. The Y chromosome is passed only from FATHER to SON and surgery cannot change it. He also can not give birth to children but can adopt or hire a surrogate. He was born a male with a Y chromosome and has the DNA of a man even with his transexual bionic vagina but he can pretend to be sexy Jlo in a tight dress for the rest of his life as s-hemeat. 😉 Also, most men are sex addicts who have issues controlling their urges. Real women are born with the X chromosome, and surgery does not change that or their desire for love more than sex either.

What do you think?


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  1. You can be born with a penis but it doesn’t mean you see yourself or feel because of it that you’re a man. Same with the opposite sex. Why this bothers you is anybody’s guess. You also don’t come off very intelligent but it’s likely obvious as to why. Btw though poster, why do you care? You’ve got more issues than just being dumb.

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Not Lazy = Bitcoin Queen

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