DUI Survivors Anomaly

Last Million Dollar Question, regarding us ever meeting: What were the odds that you would be on -probation- for a DUI car crash 12 years ago & I would be the -survivor- of a head on three car DUI crash where every car on the scene was totaled 6 years ago? Think about all the intricate detailed factors involved for our world’s and lives; across multiple States and Cities and people that had to occur just for us to collide in December of 2021. Talk about Divine Intervention when we could both have been killed in similar but different situations. Anomaly at it’s finest. To add to this rarity, I had our Bday charts done and we are 1 soul card apart, a ‘literal pair, in the deck; you are a 3 of Spades represents the Artist (Sun,) I am a 4 of Spades represent the Artistic Foundation (Moon.) Together, we are the King & Queen of Spades, fearless Master of our Craft and leaders in intellectual warfare. We are spiritually the strongest of every suite combined. Except you are ruled with additional intuitive emotions due to being a water sign. What is even more fascinating to me, is without your awareness a week later after meeting, the day our broadcast airs, I am literally co-hosting a candlelight vigil for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) which you also had to complete a program for. We were both set up in different ways but originally I was set to run for the Senate before my accident. You were a target to be made an example of. We are both famous in the arts in different genres and ways. Just amazing and in awe of how God clicks the puzzle pieces of time and people together in retrospect. You may not have realized we were like magnets brought together to complete a spiritual polarity cycle. There was something in the air that needed to be healed. I think you have a sweet soul and hope you have forgiven yourself for past mistakes in all this time. I believe you are stronger than your vices and hope you have overcome them to become the best version of yourself. From what I can see, you have worked to turn your negative experiences into positive life lessons and it is admirable. Survivors like myself represent 10% of the living, and 3% of able bodied functioning from these types of DUI drunk/drug impaired accidents. After 6 months of rehab, I should know.😉 For me, it not only explains the magnetic attraction but the rare sequence of events that led to us meeting. Easily dismissed by cell phone distractions and superficial surface conversation. Apparently 12, is divisible by the soul numbers 6 and 3, leading to you and me.😉 Just a few moments shared in the Lovely book of Life. The fact we both have juicy kissable lips 💋 is just an added bonus, too bad we will never have the opportunity to discreetly explore more. Especially when our connection is literal proof that God in fact does exist as an underlying force of synchronistic events that bring people together. It’s just so powerful and ❤️ warming. To some love means nothing but to those who can see more than what is visible it is everything. C’est la vie, stay beautiful and have a blessed Valentine’s darling. Grateful for the magical moments we shared even if our paths never cross again. 🦋 Sade: No Ordinary Love – Kiss of Life

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