Define Crazy

Come on now, if all women you call “crazy bitches” were really that crazy, do you honestly think you all would still be alive? Nooo. Perception is relative: Is she crazy cause she kills your pets when you piss her off? Does she chase you around the house with a knife or a loaded gun when she catches you texting/flirting/chatting with other people? Is she crazy cause your ex disappeared and suddenly your new lady has bologne in her freezer like Dahmer that smells like familiar perfume?
Ohhh so she is not crazy. Your perception is. So what she vents anonymously? Maybe you are a insensitive asshole that does not make her feel safe or give her the chance / time to tell you how she really feels? What is worse in my opinion is people scientifically and literally stop maturing psychologically the age they start doing drugs. So you get the 50 year old bow 💝 , looking good on the surface, with the mentality, addiction and maturity level of a 15 year old. It’s like dating a high school gossip, childish hormonal teen stuck in an adult body. Gross…and hard to deal with or maintain any healthy relationship when they want to screw everything with legs. I deserve the entire present, not just what is superficially good looking. Bows are only cute on top, maybe for a weekend
😉 I want the quality ice blue box from Tiffanys, but in a person. Is that you?

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