I married an ex-con thinking he was the most charming, perfect man I had ever met but he sees me as less than him, because I’m a woman. He controls everything I do, and I can’t do anything right. If I make him angry, talk back, do anything I’m not supposed to… Then he degrades me, and hits me. He’s hit me so hard I fell unconscious, concussions, he keeps me isolated and dependent on him. I can’t have any money, take out loans and credit cards putting myself thousands of dollars in debt. I’m not allowed any time for myselr. If anyone looks at me or talks to me it’s my fault. He makes me think I’m crazy, and pushes me until he gets a response out of me. He threatens to kill me and permanently injury me, if I try to leave, he will do whatever to stop me. And the sick part of it all? I keep trying, I keep praying he’ll change, I keep lying for him, but it’s breaking me every single day it gets worse and worse.
Idk what to do.
What do I do
Sounds like you’re feeling with a controlling sociopath here. Is there anyone you could seek out for advice whom he wouldn’t suspect anything suspicious? I’ve known such types as they control everything and are uber paranoid over everything. Very sorry to hear you’re going through this. It’s very common unfortunately.