Best friend ghosted and I’m gutted

I never thought my best friend ghosting me out of the blue would mess my mind up so much. Course, had to be the last person I trusted. What a mistake that was. Grown woman in her mid 40s ghosting me because I told her of my prognosis. Only thing it could be. Who does that?

Took me a while trying to come to terms with that truth myself and she’s normally a fragile, sweet woman. Either avoiding as usual as she does in life (though not like this especially with me) when things get tough, or living in a screwed up dream world.

I’ve been told this is her problem not mine because normal people, particularly grown women don’t do that and if they do they’d have a reason. Not her. You try and think and then you think too much because you miss them. Hate yourself for missing a weak ghost hiding behind loads of makeup in selfies they post striving for attention while avoiding the one that helped them through endless breakdowns and lows.

You make excuses for them always being a doormat with others as they use and abandon them over and over again. Then guess what? After fifteen years of friendship, they do the same. I should’ve known better. Women suck. I’ll never trust one again even though I adore most. I’m done.

What do you think?

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Failing as a mechanic could’ve cost my life

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