my old cat died yesterday and other ones cost me a fortune

I spent so far $10,000 on cat spine surgery and $21,000 on a cat with autoimmune disorder and he threw up and my other cat died we took her to the vet hospital about 2 yrs ago and did bloods etc couldn’t find any cancers then but she was slowly going down hill. my other cat is not too bad. I had 4 now I have 3. I just don’t want any more upsets and I keep hope that someone will just gas chamber us all in our sleep. mum keeps threatening to burn down the house for the past 30 years. even when it was spotless with me cleaning all the time. now its a mess and I have back problems and set up by a group of bullies as a kid , set up by a pedo to have something on me as all pedos do.

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fuck off john and karen shit cunt nobs

I was gangstalked at the vet hospital