Friend pretending to be me posted past indiscretions and is in trouble with the law

A pathetic excuse for a human being felt the need to spread truths from my past here and all over the web on sites like this. I’ve asked the site to take specific ones down as a lawsuit could pop up if the wrong people saw such specific details.

Tomorrow, she’ll likely be in jail as the records are piling up with the authorities. Be careful of the stuff you put up here. Also, be careful of who you sleep with, who you are friends with and so on. Whereas I never expected a woman to use my phone when I was asleep or in another room.

I also was the moron sleeping with this mental case. She hid that stuff well, or was I thinking with my other head? I think we know that or she’s just worse than it seems. Your guard can’t always be up despite the fact it usually is. You want to trust people you’ve known forever but nobody really knows anyone. From my years in psych, I should’ve seen this coming. I didn’t. It happens sometimes.

This woman I’m embarrassed to have been involved with, put up stuff involving a woman that has legal issues stemming from stuff she did in the past. So unnecessary and disgusting. Thankfully no names were used as it’s anonymous. However, she not only stole my phone and spread all this stuff against my trust, but she also twisted things to go with the truth.

For the fellow sex addicts, the ones involving the ugly truth of the addition will likely remain. She amazingly told the truth there and sadly used words written in an old journal verbatim. I was a disaster of a human being during the extremes of it in my 20s. It never goes away which is true and can pop up anytime particularly on times of stress or grief. Much luck with it. I know the torture it is when you “actually” have it.

The bimbo nailed that ugly truth as she merely copied it from an old journal. Any involving the older woman from the past which is the past by the way, will be removed. If they aren’t, then I’d imagine this site is foreign as they tend to not remove anything.

At least, it’s anonymous but a potential lawsuit could be involved because of specific words the bimbo used. If the wrong eyes saw that, it would not be good for specific people. It’s just a bad sea as it is and is disgusting.

Anyhow, it’s normal in some fashion to confess or put out past guilts up. We usually just record them on tape, in a journal and put them away. Other times, we tell the person knowing full well they likely could care less. Although, it’s good to never assume either.

Putting stuff up here makes sense I guess and maybe some of you, like her get off on putting it up. I never like to assume but I know human behavior. Anyone is capable of anything. I fell this consistently to everyone. It’s true.

The problem in life is trusting anyone. I’ve known this nut bag for years and stupidly became involved with her when she’s married. The latter is my fault. The problem is she went through my personal items that weren’t even the phone she cloned and used while in my apartment.

She put up stuff she knew from years ago and bended little bits to I assume get off. I also found out she was involved with a reporter trying to get dirt on the woman from my past. Unfortunately, this is true.

These are women in their mid to late 40s were talking about here. All the crap you think goes away as an adult remains with some. Some of us hate who we were at times or were embarrassed, and quite naturally feel guilty about some things. However, others , still hold onto meaningless grudges over not getting what they desired. Those two dal into the latter category.

After this, I’ll likely become more misanthropic than I’ve sadly become. Be careful. There are nuts with axes to grind everywhere. All the information I’ve found out since Sunday night is beyond disturbing. More keeps popping up with a bimbo using my phone, bragging about it for attention I guess and consistently respecting this action. Beyond normal.

If the site decides to leave this junk up much I’d not all of it is true. Nobody’s perfect. Nobody’s clean. Weird things happen and we do weird and bad things. Human nature. One can usually yell what’s made up and what’s true.

The thing is when we assume, we often shoot ourselves in the foot. It’s like that with people in your life currently. I don’t trust anybody fully. I just can’t. Past experiences: After this, I doubt I ever will again even partially. Be careful and much luck.

What do you think?

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  1. Any typos here are autocorrect. I use a small phone and have arthritis. I apologize, to the strange grammar people, I know you’ve got more issues than the people mentioned in this true story: Carry on.✌️

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Lies to have a 3way then it went wrong
