Deplorable past holds me back

In my past I made a resounding mistake of sexual lust over things and made my self get in trouble with the law. I wish I didn’t do that because to be honest I am not really into what I was looking up but it was not the true thing I really want but I was mixed up and my morals were lost so much there was no direction unexplored. Now days all I long for is the woman who I dated to be affectionate to me and not in any sexual way but she says she has no romantic love for me after dating 3 years and I feel so lost. I almost wish I never felt love because not having lost it I feel truly worthlessness. I don’t leave my house that much even because I am overweight and lost my teeth due to stress grinding my teeth. Plus I fear failure and no one ever wanting to love me as I could love

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Beyond disgusted with the justice system and people in general

let me forget you. dickhead.