My heart

Makayla, I had a dream about you once. Just know that you made me feel alive, and since you have left, or, rather since I have left; I’ve not been able to feel anything with my whole heart because I ripped out the part where you were. I’m not the same boy you once knew anymore. There’s nothing silly or fun left in me. Just an empty shell of the boy you knew. I’m a grown man now, and I regret everything I’ve ever done and I wish I could have some time back. Addiction and disease have withered my vitality away, but my body continues to work and drive, use women and run away to private places in a desperate search for what I had. Forgive me for never telling you I loved you, but I do. I always have.

My heart, will be long to you my love, always.

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I act kind so no one feels the way I did

An Ugly Ballad