Athletic babe bully from my past gave me her number

I went to a gym in a few cities away from me to check it out. I was not planning on joining as such places make me nervous. I was curious as that is the type of individual I am.

There was a girl there. She looked familiar. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but realized a half hour later when I left that it amazingly was a high school crush from my past.

She was horrible to me and I hated myself even more for liking her. I felt like a masochist for having a crush on a girl who always led the charge of humiliating me for no reason.

Of course, I knew why with her relationship issues and sex gossip attributed to her whether true or false. I just liked her for some strange reason. I liked her before our hormones kicked in in sixth grade, so the sexual intrigue was not the reason.

Most that likes her loved her gymnast body while others were curious of her sexual prowess which among certain circles was legendary.

I believe that was jocks bragging about nothing as they often do. She often seemed uptight and prudish despite being in a loving relationship with a guy for years.

Upon thinking of all that junk from years ago, I went back into the gym and walked right up to her. I asked if her name was L****, and she said yes. I nodded and said I knew it. Hope you are well and I walked towards the door.

For some reason I was smiling and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was her again. She asked why I asked that and walked away. I told her she seemed busy in full boxing mode as she is a teacher.

She came a long way from a former gymnast to a boxing teacher but she always was very athletic for a babe. I told her I just day things at times and it was no bother but your eyes drew me in. Why o said this I cannot say. She did have sexy eyes but an even better smile.

I said that she looked familiar and then I figured out we went to school together many years ago. She asked who I was. I guess I look better than the shy guy she always harassed to boost her low self esteem. I said you’ll figure it out, smiled and left.

I went back to the cafe next door and strangely chuckled to myself while flirting with the sexy young waitress waiting on me. I was waiting for her to get done with the gym.

I cannot say why I did this and I was not stalking or planning on doing that if it comes off as such. Both sexes do this to attempt a conversation that just suddenly happens by accident. Such bs.

I decided to screw oh and walked to the bus station to get a lift to the train station. I heard a voice say my name. I looked back and there she was again. Wtf?

How did she get on here, or was I too busy flirting up the waitress or vice versa to notice she left. She remembered me and walked up to where I was sitting. This usually doesn’t occur on a bus but sometimes it can. I am glad it did.

She said I looked great and knowing body language and her, she was being honest. I smirked as I cannot smile well. The smirk would suffice. She seats had a very girly beautiful voice for a girl that always looked evil back in the day. It made my heart pump every time I heard it. Here it was back again.

We talked for the whole trio she was briefly on the bus and she gave me her number. She did have on a ring but perhaps he was dead or it was just a regular ring. I don’t believe so but I don’t like assuming things.

Maybe she just wanted to catch up being we hadn’t seen each other in years. The boy thing is, we didn’t have much in common. Turns out, as adults we did. I haven’t called her yet as I am often the other guy, the secret or the one women use for affairs or worse.

Here, I think it could possibly be something else but I always assume the worst. In some ways she looks better than when we were teens. In others, I miss the old her. Lord knows why.

She looks better and happier but did I only like her because she was twisted and strangely hot? I think that strange allure is one reason I liked her back then.

She was fascinating in her evil persona and while a pretty girl with a body many would kill for. Gymnast. One with a body too a slang have none for athletic types. I always wanted to have sex with her and now in better form facially I plan to…unless this is just a girl that wants another guy friend.

I honestly cannot say but from experience and especially my life, she is wants to hook up. Or is this a game again like when she was a b**ch all those years ago?

The compliment was sincere as I know her well, but I cannot shake this bad feeling. I guess I’ll call or take up boxing but maybe I should just shut up and give her a whirl.

What do you think?

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  1. Avoid toxic waste, she knows how to box and is clearly in a relationship. Don’t allow this bully any more leeway…unless you are sadistic like me. Get your revenge, be aloof and tie her up. Turn every interaction into BDSM encounters. Make her feel like she’s worth nothing – a slut that will do anything for you. Make sure you start doing Juijitsu incase she tries to hurt you

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Pretending to be someone im not

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