Am I Being Framed Part 3

So I labored under a cloud the person put me in. Then I finally shook it off. Life was good. I got older. Poor health. Thought I was past it all. Then this all started up. Against my objections my spouse started hanging out with her friends new husband. True. I was rude to him when I met him on purpose. He was multi divorced and seemed to be using his new disabled wife. Realize. I am disabled. Have PTSD from a horrible childhood. Have serious health concerns. Well to deal with my childhood horrors I had to learn to face them. Scary movies. Nudity. Nudity? Well when my PTSD hit my seeing female nudity on TV scared me. Being nude scared me. I could no longer lay by my wife. I couldn’t stand to be touched. By men or women. A woman tied me down… A large man held me down.. You figure out the rest. I am so messed up. Sadly. That is far from the worst.

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Fucked up mental health lol

Am I Being Framed Part 6