Masking through a Pandemic

The Pandemic has dealt me a really crappy hand. Been giving it my best, but i keep getting shut down.

I know my problems would be solved with my own home. But as the housing market in Canada has proven, that is nearly impossible while single and without a 6-figure job.

I am an introvert who has not had the option to have alone time in 2 years. I have had to mask and had to play pretend everyday. My life itself does not feel like my own control. My mental health is in the trash and feel lifeless. hard to keep the hope

I know a home is work, but it is also my freedom.

What do you think?

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  1. Sounds like a ligitament feeling. I think you should write a book about it. Explaining how your would be Communist prime minister. Has made you feel about submitting to the states commands. How your willingness to surrender freedom for safety has greatly demished your quality of life.

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30 year anniversary of a horrible day and time
