I’m 18 now

I turned 18, finally. One of the most celebrated things in life. Finally being called an adult, able to do adult things! I remember talking about it and being excited as a kid. I’ll be able to do many things I couldn’t do before. But why did I cry instead of smiling like everyone else. Everyone was so happy for me, everyone celebrated with me but I cried. After the party, after the outing, I cried silently. I felt so horrible that I felt like I was ungrateful for living my life, coming this far into the years to make to this point. But, I’m 18 now, so why am I still sad?

What do you think?

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  1. It just doesn’t matter as much as it did once. Cultural bonds and traditions have broken or are barely.held to. With that comes a lot of freedom – but that freedom costs. There’s no secret you’re initiated into, there’s not the same kind of talk about who you’re goimg to be with. People probably will treat you like they did before, but people may be more forthright about sexual interest.

    You have control, but no *sense* of control – and even when you have that, learning how to have a sense of control and learn from your experiences is a long and difficult task, and sometimes the rewards are hard to see right away. On top of that, there are a lot of people that are jist lost in life, following the pattern that’s expected, and never makimg their own way.

    Here’s this: follow your heart, and you’ll get hurt – but it’s still best to follow your heart. Work together with yourself, and be a good friend to others – starting with yourself. Dare. Do. Experience.

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