I went out into the world to carve a place for me

Everything I thought was the way things were going to be from now on has been a lie. Work life balance means work. And the boss I have wants productivity. Balance means I get the weekends off. If I don’t work I can’t pay rent food or my car. My brother used to tell me I would have to sell my soul to the man.

I gave up my virginity, and with it my peace of mind. Now I answer when he calls and wear an apron with nothing under it. He likes ‘it’ that way. It’s not the sex that bothers me, it’s that he’s the man. And I’m the lowly peon in the firm, his pet and he has rights to me. Bark! and I bark and wave my tail. Bark, bark and he pulls me to him. Bark, bark and runs me through. Bark, bark and I’m carrying his sperm.

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I’m Not a Kid Anymore

This world is hostile towards my existence