A church employee wants to die

I want to kill myself, I want to tell my superior that her words stir up so many dark emotions within me that I have to duck tape every sharp object to the wall at night so that I wake up in the morning. but that would be unprofessional. That would be an unnecessary comment. I just want to be helpful….. But apparently speaking isn’t helpful. Asking questions so that I can understand the task I have been given is unnecessary. I need to have an u.p.b.e.a.t. p.e.r.s.o.n.a.l.i.t.y. To the duck with that. I didn’t battle 7 years of depression just so that someone can tell me to less depressed and more peachy. This is my peachy personality. You know this is my version of peachy, you’ve seen me try to choke myself in the media room while screaming in dispair. Please Megan, please, understand I’m trying. It hurts

What do you think?


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  1. It’s religion, so it’s basically a large cult. Some treat it normally while others the mental illness overflows. Get out while you still can. It’s never too late.

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