A Dream that Builds a Strong Connection

Some Years ago i joined an Organization. A girl along with me also joined . She was from different religion and different state. Despite having regional and religion differences our vibes matches and we became casual friends. after some time i also came to know that she has boyfriend in her home state. I dont have problem with that because i always thinks of her as a friend(She was also feels same for me i believed).
Years passed. she was busy in her life and i am busy in my life. we only meet in office and have good talks. she complements me(but she always complements every good things of every persons) so that is also not a sign for me. She was happy in her life and I am in mine. Years passed. But recently i came to know that she had gone through some serious mental issue. which she faced all alone as no one was around her. And as usual I was busy at that time in my life thinking that she was also happy and busy. After coming to know that incident, I starts checking her more. sends more message to her and tries make her happy. Since our vibe was good from the start , she also enjoys my company. As a hobby, I love to explore my city ,sometime I explore it with my friends and sometimes all alone. So one day I ask her to join me as none of my friend was going with me at that time and since she was from other state, it would be a new experience for her. So we hang out whole day and had a very good time. she opened up about some of her life experiences and prolems she is facing , which i dont know earlier and i also share my life experiences and problems with her. She was also intrested in knowing my love life and my current status and my values for life and found my answers very impressive.(Right now i dont know what she feels about me as i never tried to know that. For me she was just my friend).
So due to this ,we came to know more about each other. Things were pretty normal till this point. But when I sleep after coming back day a dream pops up :-

Dream 1:-
” It was my sister wedding function(some family events before actual marriage day), I invited her. She came and during my whole dream she was just observing things and don’t speak a single word. As Bride’s brother i was busy in many stuff’s ,So i was not able to attend her properly but she seems ok with It. the dream was blurry. But one thing i remember is that she was observing me particularly , How I am doing things, How i Enjoying with my cousins,etc. But after some time, she came closer to me with a smile and kiss me on my cheek and walks away from the Event. No one observes that , But I dont say anything at that time. But suddenly i ran back to her and find her at the end of street and stops her.Surprisingly, I dont asks her about kiss or why she is leaving, Instead I informed her that , there is another event tomorrrow and she also needs to come next day. she didn’t say a single word this time also and just node her head in Prtial agreement and walks away and i also come back to the event.” Dream ends for mr with lots of questions.
why she didn’t speak any word? why she walks away without informing? and most importantly, why she kiss me ?. and Most wierdiest question
is we both were watching the same dream?

My whole next day pass thinking about her due to this dream. and when i sleep next day , she was again in my dream with different scenerio

“Now the location is her hometown. It is her marriage day . she seems happy and i was also happy as my friend is getting married. Why not? In today’s world the biggest challenge for a working women is to get married to a good boy. But then she came in front of me in her bridal dress and ask me how she is looking(she was very happy while asking this question). she look gorgeous, But instead of replying to her, A very hard feeling “Fear Losing someone you love” hits me , and dream ends .”

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I cried for about half an hour .

After the second dream , My feeling for her become very strong . I keeps thinking about her everytime. But I am also very good in hiding feelings because I am 25+ . I have meet her 2-3 times after that. I front of her I am still the same person for her with whom she was exploring the city. I tried many things to move away my focus from her to other things. So i starts Praying more, Working more, Doing things for self improvement. My Productivity also increases. My masturbrating frequency also goes down. To cut short my life still going normal. But you cannot be busy all the time(24*7). But when my mind relaxes her thoughts keeps coming back to my mind. I am in a very hard situation.The Biggest Problem i am facing is when she will actually gets married, this dream will recall and that would be very tough day for me. Due to religion differences, I cannot do anything. If there were no religious differences, I will marry her straight away. Please help me to come out of this situation

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I don’t want to die a virgin an unmarried
