a few minutes my wife raised up and rolled off my face.

Lesbian Female / 34
I Am Ready To Go Conventional And Get Married
I was accused of sexual harassment of a coworker. It was a club thing, I really thought she was receptive, but she accused me of sexual advances, with a kiss on the lips. HR referred me to an executive, who had me stand while he read me the riot act. Because it didn’t happen at work, but because we did work together and I am a couple of rungs her senior, he had to talk to me, and encourage me to keep my hands to myself. He asked me why I would do that, I answered “I’m a dyke, I want to have a chance with her”.

Maybe because of the issue, that I told him outright I am a dyke lesbian, the ice between us melted away. When I was under a migraine head ache I asked if I could go home early. But not before he told me that the cure to migraines was to get pregnant. He overstepped his boundary, referring to my female condition, and suggesting I get pregnant was forward and unwarranted. And he was mire than aware I am a lesbian. I decided to let it pass. A few days later I asked how getting pregnant was going to help my migraines. His answer was that my body needed to get pregnant. Nature was calling.

In six months our office was closed and we were unemployed because of the pandemic. We tried getting a job, he got some consulting. He called me, use this time to get pregnant, come live with him and he would take care of it for me. I walked into it with my eyes open, I went to him so he could get me pregnant. As the pandemic effects continued and being in my early pregnancy I was still unemployed, he encouraged me to get my act together, get out of my lease, and move in with him.

He told me I could continue to play the lesbian card or give that up for the baby. It’s now three years since my baby was born. I live with him, and he hired that girl to see what happened. Like my original instinct she is also lesbian, and he lets us keep things in house. I want to marry her, I just need his permission and blessing. I want that more than anything. She wants his blessing too. I don’t have a father and her father is distant and doesn’t have a relationship with him. We want him to walk us down the isle and give us his blessing. Afterall, he is at the center of our relationship.

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