
over the inheritance of his father.

He is a god indeed without peer.

No other came into being before him.

He is a master of knowledge, excellent in planning and efficient in commanding.

So one by whose command one comes forth and goes down.

It was he who controlled the foreign lands while his father was in his palace.

He reported to him what he, the father described had come to happen.

He’s a champion who acts with his Scimitar.

A fighter without anyone like him when he’s seen attacking the hangman and engaging the free.

He is one who bins bag the horns and Rynders hands powerless.

So that enemies cannot muster the ranks.

He is vengeful when he cracks Coles, and no one can stand up to him.

He steps wide when he in highlights the fugitive.

There is no success for the one who shows his back to him.

He is adamant at the moment of contact.

He comes again and does not show his back.

He still worked hard.

When he sees a crowd and he does not allow car rallies around him, he’s eager when he pulls a bomb.

They’re reading you.

And he is joyful when he blunders the how people.

As soon as he takes up his shield, he strikes down, he need not repeat the act of killing for there

is no one who can deflect his error nor one who can draw.

He’s how the howman treats before him, as if before the might of the great goddess.

He fights on having foreseen the outcome, and he takes no care for their imminence.

But he is well favored and very gentle.

Cyril love.

He takes his city, desires to him more than herself and the rejoice because of him more than for their


Now that he’s king, husbands and wives rejoice because of him.

Was still in the egg.

He conquered.

And his face was set to it from birth.

It is he who has enriched does burn with him.

For he is one whom God has given how joyful is this land now that he has reigned?

He is the one to extend borders.

He has vanquished the sad lands.

And he will not even have to think about the North lens, for he was made to smite the Asiatic ice and

crush the sand grocers right to him and let him know your name.

Do not utter sedition against His Majesty.

For he will do for you, that which his father did and he will not fold to do good to a foreign land

which is loyal to him.

Snow in Palestine.

And then he said to me, indeed, Egypt is fortune now that she knows that he flourishes.

You’re here and you shall be with me.

And what I shall do for you will be good.

He placed me in front of his children, and he married me to literally mourned me to his eldest daughter.

He allowed so me to pick from his country.

The choicest part of what he owned on his border with another country, it was a wonderful land called

it yeah, right?

There were cultivated figs in it and grapes and more wine than water.

Its honey was abundant and its olive trees.

No use on its trees were all varieties of fruit.

There were Pine V and Emma, and there was no end to all varieties of cattle.

That which fell to my Lord as a favored one was great.

He set me up as chief of Tribe of the Finest of his land.

I obtained rations as daily, this purse, mints and wine as a daily requirement, cooked meat and roasted

fowl beside the dessert, the game, the hunted for me and the said food down before me.

In addition to the catch of my hunting dogs, they made for me many sweet things with milk in everything


I spent many years while my offer spring became strong.

Men itch, men managing his own tribe.

The messenger, who came north and went south to the capital, stayed with me and I met all Egyptians.

Stay, I give water to the thirsty man and I put the wanderer back on the road.

I rescued the man who was robbed when the Asiatic begin to stir and to abuse the authority over their

shifts over the foreign lands.

I cancelled their march.

This ruler of Retenu had me spent many years as an offer of his troops as to any land which I left.

When I had made my attack, it was driven off from its cultivation and wills.

I had blundered its cattle and brought back its inhabitants, and their produce was taken.

I killed the people in it by my strong arm, my bow, my manoeuvres and my efficient advice.

It went well with me in his favour.


He loved me and he recognised my bravery.

He placed me at the head of his offspring when he sold my arms.

Grow so strong.

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WAS vengeful when he cracks Coles,