at first I thought my marriage was on the line, then she came to live with us

To set the scene, I was recently married right out of college and this was our first apartment. I was busy playing housewife and my husband was at work bringing home the bacon. He talked a lot about this girl Susan at work and I started to get the impression that he liked her, it the way a married guy should not like another woman. One night after sex I asked him if he had ‘fucked’ Susan. His answer was ‘what do you think’. That gave it away.

I had to think about it, I didn’t sleep all night. I asked him if Susan was a better lay than I was? I wanted a ‘fuck off’, and then he had to pick. At first Susan denied everything, they were just work friends. I invited her to our apartment, to come with clean panties. We were having a ‘fuck off’ and may the better woman win. He was going to make a choice, her or me.

Two naked girls on his bed, he was naked with a hard dick. Harder than normal. I had spent the afternoon preparing for it, was nicely shaved, in those days you didn’t wax. Susan was all natural, but a spread pussy is a spread pussy. Choose, which one first? A nicely shaved pussy or full natural pussy? But to remember, he was fucking for his woman, which one was going to be his woman, so fuck accordingly.

It was a round robin sort of thing, he had a lot of time between sets, before he went back to fucking. While we waited we talked, naked on the bed, with our arms around our legs, and from time to time we showed tits to each other. Why and what brought it about that we kissed is not what we expected. We finally got our orgasm, but not from him fucking. We got an orgasm from getting together and kissing, fingering, sucking tits, licking clits, pulling hair, spreading our legs open and offering out pussies up for that one last bit of pussy loving. When we did orgasm, it wasn’t at the same time, it was after intense pussy loving, we orgasmed, with the bit O. And he sat and watched, he couldn’t even get his dick hard.

We learned several lessons that night. One and most important, we both had a lot of appetite for tits and ass and wet pussy. Second, no matter what the guy says, he is good for two shots, and that’s about it. One each, and he’s done for the night. We on the other hand could keep it up, reaching orgasms after orgasms, and going back for more. If he wanted to watch, that’s his choice, we weren’t acting for him. we were going down because we wanted to. Once you taste pussy.

We were compatible and we liked to snuggle together and feel tits and kiss at night. He had his choice, if he was in the mood, we didn’t set expectations. We had to help each other because when he got on we went passive and we traded off squeezing his balls as he ejaculated. There is a big difference when fucking, when it’s a man you want to lay back and enjoy it, when you are with a girl you want to participate. At least that’s our way.

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