AWOL for 40+ Years

In the spring of 1982 I enlisted in the US Army. I hated it. Immediately. Thought it was the biggest mistake I’d ever made. After a week at boot I simply walked off post. (Well, it wasn’t that easy.) Been AWOL ever since. Army never came looking for me. Not that I can tell. Some people are good soldiers. That’s cool for them. I would not have been.

What do you think?


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    • You are a spiteful person to hope after 40 years the army finds him. He 0obviously made a bad decision by deciding to go in in the first place. It’s not hurting anyone that he left and got away with it. It’s been so long that it would not serve any purpose whatsoever if he was caught. People like you are the kind of people that made the Nazi regime work. They did studies and found that the regime relied on regular people to tattletale and get other people in trouble. You would have made a fine Nazi party member. I bet you are a leftist too.

  1. They won’t find you. They don’t care anymore. You may have been so scared. I’m glad you got away with it. And it may surprise you but I’m a conservative.

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