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    Raped, afraid to tell husband.

    About in late November ago I had gone out to do some Christmas shopping at local mall. I was carrying my purchases back to the car in the parking garage and I got distracted as I was putting the gifts in the trunk. Suddenly there was a hand over my mouth and some guy whispered […] More

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    spiritually attacked into talking bullshit talk

    I know someone is doing this to me. I don’t know much about demonology and I know the catholic church do have priests who work in this but it frightens me. Its got that way now the catholic church even frightens me. Can anyone tell me where a good church is anymore. I just know […] More

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    beware of dirty honeytraps

    be careful of neighbors who have caravans in their yard and trampolines as most of them are trying to set up sex clubs and honey traps to rape or trick people so they can accuse them of rape to steal your house from you. steal men from women between the ages of 30-60 who are […] More

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    twitter weak asses.

    I am so sick of these modern young pity seeking weak parents who are from spoiled up homes and they have kids who they allow get online unsupervised and then don’t seem to think they are just as responsible by not allowing their kid that access to something so dangerous. Its a bit like giving […] More

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    He cheats after every fight. It’s his way of wanting to punish me. I know what you’re thinking: girl, just cheat back. Girl, dump him. Hahah. It’s not enough. I want more. I want him to suffer more. And more. And more. And there’s no way that can happen if I just play along. I […] More

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    What getting a DUI does to you

    In my head I have always thought that I had a problem with alcohol, when I start I can’t stop. I would always tell myself after drinking and doing embarrassing things that maybe I needed a real wake up call like getting arrested. I never once thought that I actually would. The reason I got […] More

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    everywhere I go

    he shuts it down if he can’t control it. so you will know its him if he doesn’t allow any new confessions on here after me. he is so nuts. More

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    be careful about going to blunots (fake name rhymed). they are not very supportive of victims of abuse who are being stalked. zane answered the phone and not very professional. bunch of humpbots. More

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