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    he talks about my likes and dislikes too much

    he repeats names and hobbies and job tasks of persons I occasionally talk about and he has mind fixations about any like a mental case with no brain. it can be 5year or 25 years or more on and to him its yesterday and to me its a lifetime ago of who or what , […] More

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    Work Session

    I jerked off at work in my office twice. Nutted on the floor. Cleaned it up as if nothing happened. 3rd time I did it in the bathroom. More

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    In love with my boss

    I feel so guilty that I have feelings for somebody that is waaayyy older than me, but I’m already in a committed relationship that I’m not really all that invested in (I hope he isn’t either. I know will never happen but let me have this 🙁 ) He’s so smart, funny, and is genuienly […] More

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    If I Don’t Get This Job I May Just Myself In

    My life is a mess. I had a nice enough job with good hours and friends that I worked with. Everything seemed to be going along well enough, my friends at work seed to like me and I them. But then it all went tragically wrong. Over the course of a month or two, a […] More

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    Which Job To Take?

    Dilemma, dilemma… This is both the kind of problem I’m thankful to have and that which I wish I didn’t. I should’ve let this one phone call go to voicemail… Until recently I was gainfully employed. I worked for a hotel, in the accounting department, and seemed to be getting along even if I found […] More

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    I’m hoping to get fired.

    I’ve worked at a Giant Eagle for 16 years. 17 years in June and I can’t stand it. I have to admit, I even wonder how I managed to put up with it for so long. Lousy pay, there’s no such thing as a “flexible schedule”. When they say flexible, they mean flexible for them. […] More

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    I hate my Boss and my job

    I hate my job so much, my boss is obnoxiously passive aggressive and isn’t even half-decent when it comes to being a mentor. He is an absolute alcoholic and he’s just an embarrassment to the company I work for. For someone in a position of leadership he’s absolutely the worst, he can’t manage people or […] More

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    My secret was discovered in an audit

    I got caught at work by the IT department in an audit. They ran a scan of my hard drive and found pictures I had stored there of naked men. Some were off the internet but others were pictures I had taken. The IT auditor told me that he could fix it, but he needed […] More

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    Laughed and insulted my creepy boss that stalks

    I once put a few laxatives in my boss’s coffee to punish him for treating my friend at work like a slut. She’s not but he always call her one. He clearly wants her. Within a half hour he was taking a dump and I was pleased. He went throughout the day and I couldn’t […] More

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    the most frustrating thing is not having stability

    in a job, a future, income, home of your own, husband, there is just nothing. all the study has been a waste of time. all of it. I am old and tired. I have no children to help take care of me in disabled old age. no one ever puts me first. no one likes […] More

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