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    felt the love

    i used to love my job. it was everything i’d ever dreamed of and more even for how basic and entry level and bad it should’ve been. it was perfect. good people, i was good at it, i had fun. it didn’t feel like work i loved showing up and doing absolutely everything possible in […] More

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    My “WoW” Job

    I love my side job very much. I get to try all the the **** as many as I want, any time I want. I am a child porn movie producer. More

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    Not Lazy = Bitcoin Queen

    I have worked since age 15 up until Jan 5, 2021 when I was ” fired from the spa due to no fault of my own,” because the owner of our company reduced our hours due to the CoVid19 pandemic and people have been calling me “lazy.” Not only did I get unemployment from the […] More

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    dumpster kelly took it out on me

    the dwarf took all her anger and shit out on me and her spacaz law firm at palaba capi. dont trust short runted retargrade women with thick glasses cuz you, you can, yes you, you go KEEP THAT FAKE LOVE TO YOURSELF!!! THEY AIN’T WITH YOU! that fake goodness and fake kindness to yourself little […] More

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    Today ive been trying to give myself Covid

    I have to go into work tomorrow as there is a big event going on, and im going to be doing a job which ive has been stressed and worried about for weeks, because of how fucking bad its gonna go. I tend to overthink and overworry things if given time beforehand so ive been […] More

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    Leedv4 study is great

    I been studying it for ages now and I really liked doing it. I needed a job for census to help fix the world. leedv4 new census questions are needed, about mould in homes to replace bad housing for better healthier people. we need to know who was sexually abused and who has been gangstalked […] More

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    Rude Kids

    Kids can be mean too. I saw one Mexican kid girl in a pink long sleeve shirt and she is being extremely rude and prejudice towards other people. She needs to be in time out. More

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    I hate working early mornings

    I work at this fast food restaurant and my shifts are early mornings. I have to be at work at like 5:30am to start cooking all the food for the morning opening. I am always so tired and hate going to work. So lately, I have been showing up, going down to the storage room […] More

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    True Story

    So, I usually work alone at the office but sometimes I have visitors. This one time I really had to fart and let one go and as soon as I did…my boss walked in. She started talking to me and than realized the smell. She was like, what’s that smell? I was like…smell? I don’t […] More

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