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    I’m scared to go to college.

    I have moved out my home, to a house about 2-3 hours away and I am so scared. The moment my parents dropped me off and had said all their goodbyes and the door closed, I had a panic attack on the spot. I called my mom about 10 minutes later asking if they could […] More

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    Industry accident – UCL

    The UCL university in London frequently breached safety protocol regarding its handling of radio active material. My partner was not given safety equipment and they had contaminated the lab with radioactive material due to improper cleaning. They was only alerted to it after walking past a static gigercounter, which picked up the contamination on their […] More

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    My first drink

    I didn’t start start drinking until I was 21 and in college. I met a few friends and we all went out and got some beers in between classes. One of them lived on residence and we went over their house. We each had like 2 beers and than went back to class. We got […] More

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    The flu or corona

    Yooo like who else is with me… Schools are cancelled, people panicking like crazy. I need toilet paper but don’t wanna get someone sick by tryin to find some. I’m self isolating but damn bruh what am I suppose to do. Like amazon doesn’t have shit right now. And I don know if I got […] More

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