Cheap Man Suck

Men of Integrity = Provide. Protect. Prevail. My mothers 20 year boyfriend who lives in America half of the year is nice, and sweet with the lip service but cheap as fuck. His boss owns 250 cars and gives them keys for free to drive, including free apartments to live in. He is in town 6 months of the year, during the Holidays, including his Birthday and stays with us every weekend like we are a fucking hotel; he does not cook or clean and will walk past a full trash can without lifting a finger as though the trash bin is not parked next to his car. Really you lazy fuck. He is never here during our Birthdays, nor does he mail us gifts or has invited the entire family to go to Greece ever. He will occasionally bring some food over, I buy a package of steaks to feed 4 people and he brings 1 steak and a small container of spaghetti he made. I drop $500 on holiday groceries for our family, he brings nothing. But he uses our garage to store his bikes that he bought from someone. My mom, turns 70 this year and why the hell is she still renting? He should have bought her a f- house and I think this is why his wife divorced him, cheap skate. Then he lies through his teeth and this is when we sit back and watch stupid, random injuries and shit happen to him due to karma. Now he is having chest pains and if he has a stroke, we do not have the finances to care for him. If my mom died of CoVid, he would not help us out financially. And I hate how he mooches off of us but does not provide for the financial or long term stability of our family. He is selfish, and my Grandmother (God rest her soul) hated how cheap he was. My mom, was in an abusive relationship with my step dad, I understand she likes his niceness but where the f- does all his money go when he does not have to pay for or own anything? The million dollar question. Oh, and you know what he got me for Christmas, a f- jump rope! Really? Cheap ass took it from an estate sale of his dead friend…lol… Come on now dude. At least my real father bought me a car and put the steaks on the table himself. This is why you were not allowed to walk your own daughter down the isle, because you probably failed to pay child support or provide for the financial needs of your family. Figure out who will take care of you if you have a heart attack, not us.

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