The highest death rate is those that are vaccinated. CoVid did not exist until they injected it into your body, biowarfare at it’s finest. Patients are dying of PCP pneumonia, similar to an Aids patient. – Dr Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner for HIV. Google the presentations of: Dr. Mendj, Dr. Fleming, Colonel Theresa Long, MD of the US Air Force, Dr David Martin who said the vaccine for Sars/CoVid19 was patented in 2002. Now they want to give your kids HIV vaccines. Time to get the HIV meds and donate bad blood to survive the genocide wipe out. Internationally the Vaccine Protocal requires any vaccine to be recalled with more 25-50 deaths. Globally, we are at 200k. Wake up. Time to protest, march and do work sit ins to survive as many will die of the cardiovascular heart failure the vaccine placebos caused in mice 17 years ago. Take care of your body and heart as haturally as possible.

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your game hasn’t happened yet with hereditary brain illness

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