Dayne’s Hot Lips

…5 days and no contact since the New Year. Doing pretty good so far weaning myself off your royal hebrew sexiness, although I did hear your tunes in my dreams again yesterday – slowly letting go of this surreal fantasy. You have not reached out, so the writing is on the wall. We are kindred souls in an ocean of people but it was so nice meeting you. I know you are single, but not bisexual. I think you are such a beautiful woman worthy of a great love, hope you know it and believe it. I get lost in your gorgeous eyes, playful personality and NYC style, I hope it finds you… Truthfuly, I would cuddle you, get lost in your golden locks and lips while pretending to watch a movie any day. Can I just come spend the third week of every month with you to love and spoil you so we don’t get on each others nerves? πŸ˜‰ You had no idea, I survived leading two search and rescues for the Fire Department during Hurricane Harvey where a wall collapsed on us underground and we almost drowned, the irony is the last people I helped, the owner of the house was named L just like you and we have been friends ever since, CoVid19 or my crash among many other things to walk through an ocean of people to stand before you that day – it is a genuine miracle. I should not be here, I was born in the wrong century. The romance of the 20’s and era is more my style. The world is a beautiful mess and in the pandemic wasting time is not an option. In my opinion I think you are long overdue for the experience of real love; bubble baths, romantic candlight dinners, massages, drinking wine cuddled on the beach, loyalty to come home too. If I were born with a penis and lived in NYC, you would have been removed from the market years ago. πŸ˜‰ Namaste to the lady who likes to sing naked like a lovely songbird torch singer. You are amazing…even if we never see each other again. There are one too many interferences and much distance between us – it was just a moment and two beautiful smiles. I am sincerely doing my best to get over this haunted by the ‘ Pictures Of You,’ Cure infatuated feeling. Hopefully it will evaporate sooner than later. You bring joy to peoples lives, no matter what happens in the world never forget it. Grateful for your existence. Sending blessings. and light to your beautiful soul and wishing you love as you travel the friendly skies in the New Year you sexy lady. Xo. Cheers. πŸ™‚

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Something embarrassing

Raped, afraid to tell husband.