Disappointed marriage

I wish I had married a man that wasn’t a constant disappointment. I feel like I can’t rely on him in life. He supports me emotionally and in a few other ways, but it’s just not enough. I don’t know what to do as I feel like my life is just stuck in the dirt with him. I’m too embarrassed to leave – plus he’s a kind/sweet guy. I just wish he was someone I could rely on financially and in general areas of life – I feel like I have to do everything “adult” in our life. Plan our finances, fix things in the house, care for our pet, plan vacations, cooking absolutely everything – just anything other than him going to his job. He got turned down for a promotion twice now and at this point I know it won’t happen – I really feel like he’s just dragging me down in life and I hate that because he’s such a sweet guy emotionally. I feel like my love is/has faded away a lot because I can’t depend on him any way other than emotionally.

What do you think?


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  1. My wife has felt the same way with our marriage. I was working so much trying to do better make more money anything to try to please her. It killed our sex life, since I was never around her solution was for her to have sexual partners outside the marriage. I agreed because all I wanted was to please her make her happy. Her sexual happiness like anything lasted a few years until the excitement wore off. I think looking back that even if we had more money my wife would still had been missing something because even as I started making more and more in the end it hasn’t been enough there always someone we know that’s has this or doing this. Some people will never be pleased including my wife.

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