
i truly believe that Transgenders are an insult to the real gender people
i man with facial hair dressed like a woman???? seriously???
a woman dressed and taped down to resemble a man???? seriously??

What do you think?


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  1. Spiritually speaking I also think it’s insulting to God, or source, universe, whatever you want to call the devine because you’re rejecting the way you were created with the assumption that you know better than the one who created us. Equally annoyed personal thoughts… The whole generation is so damn self centered that one identity isn’t even enough now. They need one to hate, one to create, and all the while they make it their mission to scream tolerance and acceptance yet if you question them or disagree with them where’s their tolerance? They have none. They’ll write off any and everyone, including their own family, simply for not grabbing poms poms and celebrating them. I really don’t care how anyone identifies or what or who they do but I recent having it shoved in my face 24/7 and being told I’m a piece of shit if I don’t throw a party for them. I believe in human rights. Not segregated groups who don’t want equal rights they want more rights. I’d love to see people’s reaction if I stood outside dressed as June cleaver and had a sign saying: I cook, clean & suck dick… The pay is great, excellent benefits & I work from home. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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