Flirt But Not A Swinger

I confess I flirted with you to the max, simply because I thought you and your accent were sexy as hell. The problem is I am not a swinger and don’t do adultry. Never have in my lifetime but people have tried. Your fabulous, but not for me. If you were single, we would be on fire. I admit flirting with you is hella fun but will never go anywhere cause I will never give my heart to an unfaithful woman. Although I hear you are quiet retalitory when angry or when you do not get your way or cannot control a situation, the narrative or a person. Especially when I called you on your shit. Once I learned you got off on your multiple partners, on top of your husband and were trying to throw me in the mix like a cherry on top. I lost interest. It takes a moment to get past the charming fascade and see the cruelty of how you treat people or disregard their feelings. So I just walked away from an investment that was going no where. What other choice did I have when your nemesis pointed out to me that you would rather spend time with your ugly drag queen friend than anyone else. She is right, his make up is hideous but I think his outfits are cute. I was disappointed at first but got over it.

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