From my fourth story window I can see

I live in a run down area of town. From my fourth story window I can see the old factory and warehouse, with the painted lettering faded out, windows cracked, junk strewn about, chained and padlocked behind a worn rusty fence. No one goes there anymore.

Sometimes I felt a low rumbling. A vibration like a tremor. I looked out my window but didn’t see anything. It is usually at night, the warehouse is dark and the street light gives off a low dim glow as it tilts in the wind.

Lately I have heard a strange sound with the tremor. I looked out the window and saw a brief fading glow from inside the old warehouse. A police car arrived and slowly pulled up to the gate. They looked around. My apartment was dark and I stayed behind the curtains so I didn’t attract attention. It’s odd but it looks like the same two policeman I’ve seen over the years. They haven’t aged at all. I wonder why it’s always the same two cops. Why don’t I ever see them anywhere else in town?

The eerie sound and rumbling have been more frequent. The last time it rumbled I looked out my window using an old nightvision scope I got for a few bucks at a thrift sale. I could see a light haze around the warehouse like it was inside a veil. I saw a glowing round light descend from the clouds, straight down to the warehouse. It disappeared as if it had passed through the roof. I think the old warehouse still has a roof. I didn’t see any light coming from inside the warehouse so I don’t know where the round light went.

The police have increased their patrols around here so I stay off the street and keep my lights out. It’s those same two cops. They may not know that I live here. They may think this building is abandoned. I’d like to check out the warehouse and see if it still has a roof but I have a nervous feeling about it.

I don’t see anything until I use the nightvision scope. Then I see the soft haze around the warehouse and the lights that descend into it when there is a tremor. I don’t see that on any other building.

What do you think?

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I love her

I love this….