gay men sex ads on tv in late 1980s -early 1990s

it was an underwear ad for mens briefs and it was set around a prudish women where the groom and best m is looking for the ring and are found dry humping each other and the bride broken at the alter. that is not funny. its abuse. kids were sexualized to gay so were teens . all the aids campaigns desexualizing the teens then has caused a loss of parenthood and aging population to be an ethnic sex and breeding secret program while gaying white people. its still a sex stereo type. social engineering young vulnerable minds as well. its likethe tits jiggler ads and tv shows of the 1960s and 1970s legs and tits brady bunch shows and charlies angels and sexualized ads for soft drink and juice, cars, and perfume. it was like soft porn back then at kids all the time all day ads.

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fireworks need to be banned for kids asthma and enviro damage

men masterbating in a job interview to a young virgin is weird