Get Over Yourself Narcissist

If you are a performer and have entertained at 1000 events over the span of your lifetime but I have only been to 1 of your concerts, obviously I AM NOT STALKING YOU OR INTO YOU ENOUGH TO TRAVEL TO BE A GROUPIE. Please quit fucking LYING to your family and people in Hollywood you ATTENTION WHORE!!! I have not been to.California since 2019 but YOU have traveled to TEXAS multiply times in the past 3 years so WHOM is REALLY STALKING WHO? You might want to reframe your narcissistic mindset and have a reality check before BEFORE I SUE YOUR FAKE LYING ASS FOR DEFIMATION OF CHARACTER, CYBER STALKING and HARASSMENT! Unappreciative cunt. You must be fucking kidding me, trading my kindness for your BS melodramatic need for toxic attention. Go get therapy.

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I just dont feel anything

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